Wednesday 12 October 2011

6 Signs People Need to Find a New Dentist

Diligent to the dentist necessarily good for oral health. But that's not enough to guarantee if a doctor is worth less. Here is an indication if you should need to seek the opinion of another dentist.
The signs of the patient need to find a new dentist are:

1. The dentist did not take a complete medical history before checking. "The first thing we did with patients before assessing their teeth problems are seen with a complete medical history. We need to know what happened with the whole patient," said Jeffrey Gross, DDS, a dentist who practices at The Healthy Smile in Ohio, the United States.
Drugs or certain conditions can affect a patient's reaction to dental treatment, so it is important for your dentist to find out what happened to the patient's body.

For example, bacteria from the mouth can affect the patient's liver heart disease, pregnancy can cause bleeding gums and gum disease, and arthritis can be difficult for patients to oral hygiene.

2. Dentists say patients need to replace all the silver fillings with white fillings. If your dentist may advise patients to replace all the silver fillings with a colored version, patients should look for another dentist.

"There are some theories that claim that mercury in silver fillings can be dangerous to health, but none of them have proven true. If the dentist wants to change just because the silver fillings are outdated, it will cause problems because we do not know how to react on teeth. The reaction can be harmful or sensitive, "said Dr. Gross.

"As long as the patient does not have a cavity under the patch can be detected by examination or x-rays, or fillings are not damaged or broken, do not need to be replaced," said Shelley Seidel, DDS, MD, a practicing dentist in the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of Houston and director of the Institute for Dental Implant Awareness

3. Dentists recommend that patients do not need to see a dental surgeon for dental implants. "Ask lots of questions if your dentist says patients do not need to see a specialist to undergo orthodontic or implant installation procedure. If he wants to do it himself, he needs to follow several hundred hours of training, needs to have all the certificates and testimonials with photos of patients who had the procedure done," Dr. Seidel said.

Dentists should not do it alone because it must be done with anesthesia. Ask your dentist what training has been held and where the training. Also ask how many times he has installed implants, how many are successful and how many failed.

4. The dentist did not provide alternative treatment options. "Dentists should be sufficiently experienced in providing different ways to the patient to fix the problem. He needs to find tahu what is appropriate and best for the patient. How to overcome fear of doctors patients gigi? What could he do?" said Dr. Gross.

Many dental problems have several treatment options, and patients should discuss with their doctors each approach before deciding on treatment.

"Is that a small cavity, a large cavity or infection, the dentist should tell patients what the options, advantages and disadvantages of each procedure, and then with the patient should be able to find a way through all the options to find out what is best for the patient," he said.

5. The dentist does not address the special problems of patients. If the patient has a toothache and went to the dentist prescribed only toothpaste for sensitive teeth without doing a thorough examination, the patient should be thinking to find new doctors.
Other complaints that should never be ignored is bleeding gums. If the dentist can not figure out the cause, could be a problem. Any complaint or problem, the patient should not go home with unanswered questions.
"Patients must understand the diagnosis and treatment that your dentist has recommended that patients are not left with much the cost of each alternative treatment," says Irwin Smigel, DDS, founder and president of the American Society for Dental Aesthetics.

6. Dentists due to the fact that you want a second opinion. "Many patients are reluctant to tell the dentist that they had requested the opinion from another dentist. If it is a new physician in managing patients and patients were advised to undergo several procedures, such patients should receive a test from another dentist. That goes for anything if we are less sure of something, "said Dr. Smigel.

"If the patient leaves the dentist's office and the doctor recommends the procedure or the diagnosis is less convincing is poorly understood, patients should ask the opinion of another dentist. Patients do not need to receive treatment that is not known what the need," said Dr. Cooper.


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